Insights & Resources for Christian Counseling & Personal Growth

  • Jul 16th, 2024

    Navigating Life Transitions with Christian Counseling

    Life is a journey filled with various transitions, some expected and others unexpected. These transitions can bring about significant changes, challenges, and uncertainties that can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate them. Christian counseling offers a unique and powerful approach to help individuals find strength, guidance, ...

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  • Jul 2nd, 2024

    The Power of Hypnotherapy in Personal Transformation

    Many individuals find themselves stuck in patterns of behavior, thoughts, or emotions that hinder their personal growth and well-being. Hypnotherapy has emerged as a powerful tool for personal transformation, offering a unique approach to unlocking the subconscious mind and facilitating positive change. Understanding Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that ...

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  • Jun 18th, 2024

    Exploring the Role of Faith in Overcoming Addiction

    Addiction is a complex and challenging condition that can have a profound impact on an individual's life. While traditional treatment approaches focus on addressing the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, the role of faith and spirituality is often overlooked. However, for many individuals, faith can serve as a powerful ...

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  • Jun 4th, 2024

    Understanding the Benefits of Christian Counseling

    A lot of people grapple with life's challenges, seeking guidance and support. Christian counseling emerged as a valuable resource, offering an approach combining professional therapy with faith-based principles. This blog post sheds light on Christian counseling's benefits and how it can positively impact individuals in Lubbock and beyond. A Holistic ...

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  • May 2nd, 2024

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month

    May is mental health awareness month and we want you to know you’re not alone in any of your struggles. We see you and are here to walk alongside you on this journey. Remove TOO from your vocabulary because it is never too late to get help! You ...

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  • Jul 13th, 2020

    Resurfaced Pain - Sara Kerr

    You can’t put a timeline on healing and forgiveness. Just when you think you have moved forward and let go of past hurts, they creep up and resurface in a shocking and frustrating way. What does this mean? It means there are things that you didn’t fully face ...

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  • May 8th, 2020

    Managing Stress - Bradley Roark

    Stress is created when we have more demands than resources to meet those demands. In our current climate, there are a lot more demands on us. Limited resources are now the new normal. From working from home to lost wages with increased bills to homeschooling...the list is ever-growing. Our ...

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  • Feb 20th, 2020

    What were you born to do? - Carrie Roark

    Somebody asked the question: How do you find out what you are born to do?  It is a common question. But to answer it, I think it needs to be reframed. To ask what you are born to do seems limiting. Like, there is only one answer. There is ...

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  • Nov 8th, 2019

    Let Go and Let God! - Sara Kerr

    How many of you have heard the phrase “Let Go and Let God”? I know I grew up hearing it all the time when my mom would try to challenge me during struggles to just let go and let God do the work. Well, it seems that I ...

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  • Aug 20th, 2019

    The Struggle IS Real...

    Have you ever felt your heart might break in your chest?  The first day of kindergarten can be one of the hardest days of a momma’s life. I remember when my oldest started kinder. I remember hearing her calling out to me in tears as I walked away ...

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  • Jun 25th, 2019

    Living En Pointe - Sara Kerr

    Dance is like riding a bike; once you learn how to turn, you never forget. It has been nearly a decade since I last stepped foot on the dance floor, but I remember this feeling like it was yesterday. I remember the pointe shoes, the satin wrapped around my feet, ...

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  • Mar 19th, 2019

    Is Self Care Really that Important?

    Is self care really that important? Yes, absolutely! You owe it to the ones you love to take care of yourself, so why don’t you do it? It is probably because of these 3 reasons:  Not understanding its importance  Full schedules  Resistant to changing habits Why You ...

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  • Feb 19th, 2019

    Bring it on!

    As a mother, I hear a certain phrase uttered over and over, "Yeah, but it's hard!" I signed my athletically-challenged daughter up for volleyball camp a couple of years ago. She begged me to let her quit claiming with certainty that she simply can't handle workouts that long. "But Mom! ...

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  • Feb 12th, 2019

    "Exhale" -Sara Kerr

    “It’s okay to not be okay. This is a safe place. Don’t be afraid, don’t be ashamed, there’s still hope here. No matter what you’ve done or who you are, everyone is welcome in His arms. Just let go let His love wrap around you ...

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  • Jan 15th, 2019

    Baby Sunshine - Sara Kerr

    As I was sitting in a session recently, I was reminded that I needed to pray about my word for the year 2019, a word that I can cling to when things get hard or even a word that can remind me of what I need to aspire for. Within just ...

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  • Sep 4th, 2018

    Go Ahead and Get Your Armor

    “The exam will be 5 hours long. I don’t test well, and I’m worried I won’t pass it,” the woman explained. She told me how the anxiety ate at her even though the exam is almost a year away. She would regularly bite the inside of her cheek ...

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  • Jul 10th, 2018

    Sad Things - Carrie Roark

    It has been a sad time for me and my family. And sad things are on my mind. My oldest sister, just 56 years old, contracted pancreatic cancer out of the blue. She went from feeling fine to being completely invalid and needing round the clock care in about 5 weeks. The ...

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  • Jun 17th, 2018

    A Tangled and Dark Path - Carrie Roark

    I do not wish to walk the path that lies before me. It is tangled and dark, and I cannot see the way. I do not wish to walk the path that lies before me. Yet, there is no second road to converge in the wood. This path alone stretches ...

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  • Jun 4th, 2018

    Running on Empty

    When the text came, I wasn’t even worried. My sister was letting me know she was having some tests done because of some stomach problems she was having. That was 4 weeks ago, and so much has changed. This morning she was admitted into Palliative care. That first appointment led ...

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  • Apr 2nd, 2018

    #ConspiracyTheory - A discussion of Mathew chapter 28

    The morning of the third day after Jesus was placed in the tomb of the rich man, the guards saw an actual lightning clad angel of God come down from heaven and roll away the stone...the sealed stone. The tomb contained no body! They were absolutely terrified ...

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  • Mar 28th, 2018

    A Second Passover: Why the timing of Easter week was no accident

    Good Friday is just a couple of days away. Matthew 26 describes what Jesus was up to during the last couple of days before his crucifixion. Jesus had been traveling around Jerusalem for some time knowing he would be arrested when he arrived. Then on Palm Sunday, a few days before ...

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  • Feb 28th, 2018

    Should Christians Meditate? -Carrie Roark

    Should Christians meditate? The answer is absolutely, Yes!, a Christian should meditate. But then again not all mediation is equal. For most, when they think of meditation, they picture the Buddhist monks sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed. Eastern religions and the New Age movement use meditation prominently in their ...

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  • Feb 6th, 2018

    Parable of the Earbuds - Carrie Roark

    “I can’t do it!” my daughter cried for the seventeenth time in 5 minutes. My daughter, 12 years old, was having a panic attack about her upcoming science fair presentation because she seriously dreaded having to orally present her project to the judges. As I was helping her prep for the ...

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  • Feb 1st, 2018

    #StateoftheUnion - Carrie Roark

    It is the time of year for the State of the Union Address to be given by the President according to the Constitution. This speech is designed for the President to communicate to the Congress the administration’s view of the state of the nation. It is a healthy practice ...

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  • Jan 10th, 2018

    What's Good for the Goose -Carrie Roark

    Have you ever watched a goose walk? It’s not exactly graceful. In fact, it’s kind of awkward. It’s like, lean right...lean don’t tip over. Their gate is slow and painstaking. But do you imagine one goose ever leaned over to another goose and ...

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  • Jan 2nd, 2018

    Do Not Withhold Good - Carrie Roark

    Are you good to yourself? I know you are good to your spouse. You iron his shirts for the business trip even though you have the flu. I know you are good to your kids. You take them and their friends to the park even though you have chores to ...

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  • Dec 21st, 2017

    Time Keeps on Slippin' -Bradley Roark

    Time is precious! is the most precious resource you have. You can waste a dollar then make another one; but waste a minute and it is gone forever. “Time keeps slippin, slippin, slippin into the future,” as Steve Miller so eloquently put it. There is no practice, and ...

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  • Dec 14th, 2017

    Discovering the Messiah -Carrie Roark

    For thousands of years, God’s people suffered and struggled. The Old Testament chronicles the long fall of mankind from the breast of God down to the pits of Hell. From the day the gate to the garden closed, humanity suffered the consequences of the choice to sin. And from ...

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  • Nov 1st, 2017

    Bullies -Carrie Roark

    “Stupid!” “Ugly!” “You suck!” “Who do you think you are?” “You’re just selfish!” “I can’t stand you.” “I can’t even look at you.” “You’re too fat.”It’s hard to imagine anyone being so overtly cruel. Yet, I hear these words every day. No, really. I ...

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  • Oct 21st, 2017

    Say It Ain't So! -Carrie Roark

    Every year, our church puts on a cute Christmas program. So, 3 years ago when Asher was 4, we were at the service. Now, he wasn't used to being in the "big" service since he was usually with the kids. But this was a family event, so we were all in it ...

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  • Oct 15th, 2017

    For the Lives Your Absence Touches -Carrie Roark

    Pregnancy loss effects the entire family. It is much more than merely a lost pregnancy. It is a lost child, a lost sibling, a lost grand-child, etc. Here's to the losses many of us have endured and the lives those absences have touched.

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