Insights & Resources for Christian Counseling & Personal Growth

Don't have a blue Christmas this year (sorry Elvis) -Carrie Roark

Published November 15th, 2017 by Unknown

The holidays are awesome! Right? Aren't they? If you are my kids, the holidays are the "". However, I realize that this isn't true for everyone. Some see the holidays as an emotional sand pit where you get sucked into family drama and conflict. Others see the holidays as a financial succubus that drains every dollar and cent in your bank account or on your credit card. And still others feel super lonely at the holidays either because it reminds them of relationships lost or loved ones that have passed. Still for others, it is a divorce powder keg waiting for that tiny spark to blow everything up. It could be that unmet expectations set you up for disappointment and bitterness. Or worse, it is a combination of these that ruin the holidays for you.

If any of this strikes a note with you, let me encourage you. You are not alone. We are here to help you deal with all of the slime and goo that hits you during the holidays. Whatever you do, don't let the holiday busyness and increased expenses deter you from using your mental health tools. Watch out for that holiday slippage when you lose sight of tools and techniques you’ve already learned. 

And don’t forget that we are here to help you. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. And for some of you, the holidays ARE those times. Book an appointment with Bradley or Carrie today @ Stay on top of your emotional EQ this holiday, and who knows, maybe it will be one of the best ever!!

-Carrie Roark

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